Is The Quran a miracle?
(All quotes are from the New International Version of the Bible)

Opening Statement: Long before Muhammad, Jesus warned us to look out for deceiving miracles.  Jesus said, "...false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect -- if that were possible.  See, I have told you ahead of time" (Matthew 24:24-25).

Variants in the text of the Quran
The Number 19
What the Quran lacks
A Sura like these
Supernatural Eloquence (we will look at content)
Moral Standards: Punishment

Variants in the text of the Quran
Samuel Green, author of "The Seven Readings of the Qur'an" has a page on the difference between the HAFS' TRANSMISSION (most commonly used Quran) and the WARSH' TRANSMISSION (used in North Africa).  It can be found at **

Samuel Green's page points out the following:
Differences between the basic printed letters in the Qur'an text. [It was these letters that Uthman standardized in his recension (critical revision) of the Quran.]
Sura        HAFS' TRANSMISSION       Vs.     Sura        WARSH' TRANSMISSION
2:132      wawassaa                                          2:139        wa'awsaa
2:132      himu                                                   2:131        hiimu
3:133      wasaari'uu                                          3:133        saari'uu
5:54        yartadda                                            5:56           yartadid
Problems with "diacritical dots" (marks that distinguish one letter from another).
2:140     taquluna                                              2:139       yaquluna
3:81       taytukum                                             3:80         ataynakum
2:259     nunshizuhaa                                         2:258       nunshiruhaa
Differences between vowels.
2:214    yaquula                                                2:212        yaquulu
2:9        yakdhibuuna                                        2:9            yukadhdhibuuna
2:184    ta'aamu miskiinin                                  2:183        ta'aami masakiina

The Number 19
       A key point of the 19-based Numerical Miracle is found in the 1st line of the Quran.  When we rewrite the English transcription of the Arabic, eliminating the vowels which aren't written, but only understood, the first phrase of the Quran looks like this: "BSM ALLH ALRHMN ALRHIM", which counts out to 19 letters.  However, there is a little mark in Arabic grammar called a "shadda" which means that the letter underneath the mark is doubled.  "GOD" or "ALLH" has a "shadda" on the second "L", and could (or should) be written "ALLLH" which would then make 20 letters.  This information is from a page at: **

The following points are for Muslims (like Rashad Khalifa) who say that the Sura numbers are inspired too.

Many of the "#19 codes" rely on an elaborate mathematical formula.  We find that a person should not be quick in making connections in the Quran based on the number 19 for without elaborate math we can get:
Sura 6:114 (6 X 19 = 144) Says that the Quran is "fully detailed" or "explained".
In 7:19 the Quran is not fully detailed when telling us what tree was forbidden (see Genesis 2:17 for answer).
In 7:133 (7 X 19 = 133) the Quran gives an incomplete list of the Egyptian plagues.

6:38 "All the creatures on earth, and all the birds that fly with wings, are communities like you.  We did not leave anything out of this book.  To their Lord, all these creatures will be summoned."  The middle sentence looks like an addition because this message is out of context and it breaks the flow.  It looks like an attempt to get this message into a Sura with a multiple of 19 (19 X 2 = 38).  Even if this is not an addition, look at "What the Quran lacks"...(Topic Below)

Should Sura 19:19 give the ultimate message of the Quran?  It speaks about the good son (Jesus).  Compare that with 47:19 where it states that Muhammad should ask forgiveness for his "fault/sin".  Some Muslims claim that Muhammad did not sin but that he should ask forgiveness anyway.  Does this imply that God is asking Muhammad to pray in vain?

What the Quran lacks
We need the Torah and the Gospel according to Sura 5:68 "O people of the scripture, you have no ground to stand on until you uphold the Torah, and the Gospel".

Some teachings in the Quran require the Hadiths to become fully explained.  Questions like "how hard can a husband beat his wife" (Sura 4:34) and "what kind of whip can be used to punish adultery" (Sura 24:2) are only answered when we use the Hadiths.

Suras 105 and 111 tell us that God punished a certain people.  He never told us who they are where and when they lived and why they were being punished.  Only with outside information do we get the total picture.

The Quran lacks the names of important people and important places...
In 5:27 no names are given for Adam's 2 sons.  Giving the sons names would help to clarify the confusing conversation that follows.  The names (Cain and Abel) are in Genesis 4:1-2 and are supported and thus confirmed by the New Testament in Hebrews 11:4.
Noah's son who dies in Sura 11:42 is not named and there is no mention of brothers.  A genealogy for all three children can be found in Genesis chapter 10.  The name "Shem" is supported by Luke 3:36 of the NT.

The Quran says nothing (good or bad) about the following:
Assyrian and Babylonian Exiles.  These are some of the best examples of what happened to the Jews when they disobeyed God and there are plenty of times in which they could have been used as a lesson.
Solomon building the Temple.  This is a HUGE issue to the Jews.
The issue of "circumcision" is never addressed.  This too is a HUGE issue to the Jews.
The "Holy (or Promised) Land" is not found in the Quran (Sura 17:104 tells the Jews to live in "the land").

The Quran says nothing (good or bad) about baptism or The Lord's Supper.

A Sura like these
10:38  If they say, "He fabricated [the Quran]," say, "Then produce one sura like these, and invite whomever you wish, other than GOD, if you are truthful."
11:13  If they say, "He fabricated [the Quran]," tell them, "Then produce ten Suras like these, fabricated, and invite whomever you can, other than GOD, if you are truthful."
What is the challenge, create one sura or ten?  With what Sura would we compare "my sura" to?  How would I know if my sura is "like" any of the Suras in the Quran?
Could "my sura" be 3 verses long like Suras 103, 108 and 110?  Could my sura be 5 verses long talking about how God punished a certain people (while never telling us who they are, when they lived and why they are being punished) like Suras 105 and 111?
I could fabricate "my sura" by using a collection of messages that is found in other places in the Quran (like Suras 1, 95, 103 and 112).

Supernatural Eloquence (we will look at content)
Sura 6:101 "The Creator of the heavens and the earth.  How can He have a son, when He never had a mate?  He created all things".  If He created all things, why does He need a wife to have a son?

3:45 The angels said, "O Mary, GOD gives you good news:  A Word from Him whose name is "The Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary".  Did Mary need to be told that her son will be called "her son"?

Sura 26:171 calls Lot's unnamed wife simply, "the old woman".

In the Old Testament Psalm 23:1 says, "The LORD is my shepherd"
In the New Testament John 10:11 says, "I [Jesus] am the good shepherd"
The Quran on the other hand says in Sura 2:104 says, "O you who believe, do not say, Raa'ena (be our shepherd)."  Sura 4:46 says that some Jews twist their tongues when saying Raa'ena to mock the religion ("Raa'ena" can be twisted into a dirty word).  If you are a believer than you would not use the dirty word anyway.

Moral Standards: Punishment
4:128  "If a woman senses oppression or desertion from her husband, the couple shall try to reconcile their differences, for reconciliation is best for them."
4:34  "If you experience rebellion from the women, you shall first talk to them, then (you may use negative incentives like) deserting them in bed, then you may (as a last alternative) beat them."
       Is this a light beating (logically the last punishment is the most intense)?  God-fearing Muslims don't practice this.  Remember we are talking about the morals in the Quran not the standards held by Muslims.